Beautification Board
Mission Statement
The Beautification Board of Oneonta strives to engage our community in working together to enhance and maintain the beauty of our town.
The Beautification Board is made up of individuals who work in coordination with the city and civic organizations to establish and maintain landscaped areas in our town.
The board encourages businesses and residents to improve their “curb appeal” by giving beautification awards. These are awarded at City Council meetings and publicized in print and on local TV.
Any resident interested in serving on this board is encouraged to call city hall at (205) 274-2150. Active participation is needed and welcomed!
The Beautification Board consist of a seven member panel appointed by the City Council. These appointments are a three year staggered term. The Beautification Board meets every first Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
The Beautification Board is tasked with the study which relates to the causes of unsightly and unsanitary conditions along public streets and highways, around public buildings, public parks and other public places within the City of Oneonta. The board shall report back to the City Council conditions in and around public alleys and easements of the city or of any subdivision thereof; and rubbish, trash and waste material on and around private premises within the City of Oneonta.
Board Members
Marlene Stroud - Chairman
Anna Daniel
Rachel Gargus
Redonia Davis
Cindy Lyda
Mike Cassady